Rahu in the first house sharpens your intellect and gives you a desire to expand your knowledge. It could endow you with quick money and unexpected increases in fortune. You could have a keen intellect with a remarkable capacity for learning.
Rahu in 1st house of self generally gives positive results. It enhances your intelligence and gives you an inclination to acquire immense knowledge, which comes handy at workplace. You may have a sharp mind with amazing power to grasp what you are being taught. Rahu also makes you very witty which may help you stand out among others when it comes to giving prompt responses.
The 1st house represents self, your feelings, emotions and personality attributes that portray to the world who you are. This house also projects your physical attributes especially your facial features and looks. First house gives an account of your inclination, likes, dislikes, bent towards spirituality, way you behave with people, your strengths, weaknesses and means by which you tend to accrue material possessions.
This Rahu position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Rahu's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
Rahu in this house may bless you with quick money and sudden gains in wealth. You will not face any crunch of money at any time, though you may have to be careful about not spending it on unnecessary things and unwanted habits.
A positive Rahu in the 1st house brings success in life by all means. Your financial condition will also be good and stable. Your creative instincts will be very sharp and prompt you with new ideas, which you may implement in the workplace and even in routine activities. Here, Rahu attracts people towards you due to your striking personality.
A negative Rahu in the 1st house may make you indulge in immoral ways and means to achieve success. You may be very short tempered and aggressive at times and there may be bursts of anger. You may have a feeling that you are the best and look down upon others.
Rahu’s nature is to deceive, tease, give a lot, and take away even more using diplomacy, deception and illusions. more
Mars in the first house puts you in the position of a leader, whether you wish for it or not, and creates high energy & a natural aggression in your temperament, whether apparent or latent. A positive Mars in the first house makes you an undisputed leader, driver of situations, an out-of-the-box thinker & an expert strategist. Mars in this position can form Mangal Chandra Yoga, which is great for your finances.
Read MoreMars in the second house gives you an attitude to accumulate wealth & possessions by hook or by crook. A positive Mars in the second house will make you proactive, bring you creative ideas to earn through multiple sources & enhance your professional network, which will widen your business. Mars in this position can form Guru Mangal Yoga which can make you wealthy & prosperous.
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