Rahu in the second house would shower onto you great wealth, which you may get through labour or even inheritance. This house evaluates your self-worth and identifies your hidden talents. It encourages you to learn more about traditions and civilizations that have significant historical significance.
Rahu in 2nd house is bound to make you very wealthy and would bless you with immense wealth which may be earned by you or even inherited. You may be inclined towards growing your wealth manifolds, buying all luxuries and comforts for you and your family. This combination also gives you a high position in society.
The 2nd house is regarded as the house of family, relatives and your relations with them. It also depicts your accumulated wealth and possessions (house or land, property, car, ornaments, precious metals, etc.). This house gauges how much you value yourself and your self-respect. Your hidden talents are also revealed by this house.
Here, Rahu blesses you with deep connections with your family and there will be intense feelings. However, this also brings some distance from your family, which may be due to your official commitments or transfers in job. This may lead to some stress in family life, however, largely, things would be under your control.
This Rahu position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Rahu's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
Rahu may also motivate you to gain some knowledge about cultures and traditions which carry lots of historical value. You will be a true follower of traditions, customs and cherish them. Learning new languages and exploring varied places would bring lots of satisfaction to you.
A positive Rahu in the 2nd house brings ample opportunities to accumulate wealth and property. This will bring you good contacts and connections in society, you will know people with high prestige and position. You will have a deep inclination towards your ancestors, traditions and customs, and take all actions to nurture and absorb them.
A negative Rahu in the 2nd house may make you prone to unwanted and huge expenses. You may develop many enemies who may create unnecessary troubles in life every now and then. Some legal complications would be an area of concern for you. Minor health issues will also be there which will keep troubling you.
Rahu’s nature is to deceive, tease, give a lot, and take away even more using diplomacy, deception and illusions. more
Mars in the first house puts you in the position of a leader, whether you wish for it or not, and creates high energy & a natural aggression in your temperament, whether apparent or latent. A positive Mars in the first house makes you an undisputed leader, driver of situations, an out-of-the-box thinker & an expert strategist. Mars in this position can form Mangal Chandra Yoga, which is great for your finances.
Read MoreMars in the second house gives you an attitude to accumulate wealth & possessions by hook or by crook. A positive Mars in the second house will make you proactive, bring you creative ideas to earn through multiple sources & enhance your professional network, which will widen your business. Mars in this position can form Guru Mangal Yoga which can make you wealthy & prosperous.
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