Rahu in the tenth house would result in successful progress in careers involving foreign countries. Your financial situation will be favourable, and you might get positive results from your profession. You might enrol in a professional course that will enhance your career prospects and open doors for your professional growth. Your financial situation will also improve and remain stable.
Rahu in 10th house will bring good results in your career. Your inclination towards earning good name and fame, scaling heights in career, improving your performance to reach the top position in your profession and getting rewards and promotions will be blessed with Rahu in this position. You will be ambitious and Rahu will shower its blessings to fulfil your desires.
The 10th house is associated with your career and professional success. This house points at the type of profession you may take up, the amount of respect and honour you will earn, the popularity, name and fame that you may get in life and your image in the social circles. This house also controls the responsibilities that would be entrusted on you and how you may handle them.
Here Rahu gives you motivation to develop your knowledge base that will help you rise in career. You may take up some professional course which will improve your job prospects and create opportunities for your professional progress.
Your work related to some distant places or foreign land will bring you immense success. Your benefits from foreign projects or deals will be quite possible. You may travel to foreign land for fulfilling your desires vis-à-vis professional excellence and success. Jobs in MNC will bring good prospects for you.
This Rahu position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Rahu's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
You may see a lot of success in business as well, especially if you are doing a business related to export and import from foreign land. You may travel to some countries and expand your business there with some business tie-ups there.
Your finances will grow and be stable. There will not be any crunch of money at any stage of life as you may start earning early in life; and after the initial years, once you have settled well, there will be good growth and earnings - generally after your mid-thirties.
You will be inclined towards adventurous activities, may love travelling to destinations where you can go trekking and explore new places. Learning about new places and cultures will attract you.
A positive Rahu in the 10th house will bring good gains in professions related to foreign land. Your financial status will be good and you may earn good gains from your efforts. You may gain benefits both in government as well as in corporate sectors. Various cultures and traditions will attract you and you may explore them with great interest.
A negative Rahu in the 10th house may bring some stress in your relationship with your relatives, especially your cousins. You may face some irritation and frustration when people do not follow you or you do not appeal to them in the manner that you desire. You may seek help of illegal aids for your gains and success in varied fields.
Rahu’s nature is to deceive, tease, give a lot, and take away even more using diplomacy, deception and illusions. more
Mars in the first house puts you in the position of a leader, whether you wish for it or not, and creates high energy & a natural aggression in your temperament, whether apparent or latent. A positive Mars in the first house makes you an undisputed leader, driver of situations, an out-of-the-box thinker & an expert strategist. Mars in this position can form Mangal Chandra Yoga, which is great for your finances.
Read MoreMars in the second house gives you an attitude to accumulate wealth & possessions by hook or by crook. A positive Mars in the second house will make you proactive, bring you creative ideas to earn through multiple sources & enhance your professional network, which will widen your business. Mars in this position can form Guru Mangal Yoga which can make you wealthy & prosperous.
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