Moon in Aquarius

(Moon Sign Based)

Moon indicates your subconscious, mind and emotions, whereas Aquarius sign indicates intellectual aspirations with the desire for freedom and individuality. When Moon resides in Aquarius, it reflects your innovative, creative and intellectual approach towards situations/relationships without disturbing their freedom or independence.

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius individuals are attracted towards new ideas and concepts where your intellectual ability makes you relate to diverse groups of people at the same time with the same problem, making you an excellent problem solver.

Moon in Aquarius here is associated with your intellect, communication and ideas which make you interested in variety of subjects especially those related with the betterment of humanity.

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Your emotional connection with others is somewhat detached, which indicates that you prefer to process your emotions intellectually which allows you to understand the turmoil of others with reason and logic but at times it may make you appear unemotional.

Your relationships with others on social networks are friendly. You make connections with different people that share your intellectual compatibility and common interest. You seek that partner in a relationship who values your need for freedom and personal space.

Moon in Aquarius makes you desire for personal freedom in personal/professional relationships that may be perceived as over expectation by others, and it may lead to conflicts/misunderstanding in relations.

You are likely to excel in careers that allow you to utilize your innovative ideas and thinking with full potential and make you well suited for a career in science, technology and social or charitable work that makes a positive effect on society.

What happens when Moon combusts in Aquarius?

When Moon is combusted in Aquarius it means that Moon is in the same sign as the Sun, or it is too close to the Sun in degrees in your horoscope. When Moon is combusted, it is said that it loses some of its power and individuality due to the overwhelming influence of Sun on the qualities of the combust planet.

When Moon is combusted in Aquarius it may affect your emotional clarity, stability and intuition and the individual may struggle in expressing his/her emotions and may feel weighed down by your ego or willpower. The combustion of Moon in Aquarius brings restrictions in the formation of innovative ideas where you may face challenges in expressing your feelings to others and finding emotional fulfilment.

Moon represents your emotions and instincts so when Moon is combusted in Aquarius it could lead to fluctuations in emotional stability due to heightened sensitivity and inability to work under the supervision of other’s instruction as it brings the feeling of confinement. You might struggle with mood swings and there will be lack of emotional stability.

Moon in Aquarius: Effects on all the 12 Houses

Moon in Aquarius in 1st House

Moon in Aquarius here indicates your strong desire for personal freedom and individuality where you do not like to be restricted by others’ expectations or working according to the social norms. You give importance to your independence and have unusual ways of expressing your emotions. Your style of dressing and hair indicates your desire to stand out individually in the crowd. You are inclined to work against the traditional values and embrace progressive trends for your overall progress.

In relationships, you feel connected to likeminded people and feel a sense of belonging to those people who share your ideals and values. Your compassionate nature initiates you to work for the betterment of less privileged ones. In personal relations, you value your personal space and like to commit to a partner who understands your need for independence.

On the other hand, your emotional detachment may make it challenging for you to connect with others at a deeper level, so it is necessary for you to find balance between your requirement for personal independence and sharing emotional connection with your loved ones for your emotional contentment.

Moon in Aquarius in 2nd House

Moon in Aquarius here indicates your emotional prosperity is related with your materialistic possessions and wealth that allow you to sustain your freedom. Caution is advised to avoid being overly attached to materialistic aspects of life as it may hinder your personal progress and restrict you to connect with others on the deeper level.

In relationships, you seek those relations that do not defy your desire for personal space and freedom in mutual relationships. There is lack of emotional intimacy in your relationships till the time you feel secure to trust your partner/others to be supportive and loyal towards you in your endeavours.

Overall, this placement indicates that you feel confident and secure till the time your personal freedom is not challenged in relationships and you have stable financial prospects. Balance your personal need for freedom and make efforts to involve yourself with others to create emotional bonding and intimacy in your personal relationships.

Moon in Aquarius in 3rd House

Moon in Aquarius here indicates that you have curious mind and innovative approach with the initiative to learn something new. You love to engage in intellectual conversations as your emotional instincts are stimulated by innovative ideas, innovative concepts, and unusual perspectives. You have the natural flair of understanding complex concepts with ease and you can grasp new information easily.

You have a progressive approach towards your emotions where you have the ability of detaching yourself from immediate surrounding/relationships to analyze and understand them to give your logical viewpoint. This aspect can make it easier for you to communicate your emotions through intellectual discussions, but it becomes difficult for you to express your affection openly with your partner/loved and you fail to connect with them on the emotional level.

You need to work consciously on expressing your feelings to your partner/loved ones with more warmth and feelings to develop intimacy and deep connection in your relationship. Leave your comfort zone and your ego to embrace the compassionate side of mutual relationship.

Moon in Aquarius in 4th House

Moon in Aquarius indicates that you have strong connection with your home and family life despite having independent and emotional nature. Your emotions are detached and practical and you may find it challenging to express your feelings in a conventional manner to your loved ones. You value your personal space and independence and crave for happiness at home that gives you the freedom to express your individuality.

Your emotional well being is strongly connected with your family/community ties where you have the ardent desire to create harmony and unity among your loved ones.

Overall, you seek those relationships in your life that respect your need for personal freedom and understand your unconventional nature in terms of your emotions. You seek emotional freedom and broad perspectives as essential qualities in individuals.

Moon in Aquarius in 5th House

Moon in Aquarius here suggests that you have unique and innovative approach in your creative/artistic expression and are attracted to unconventional forms of art. You may excel in those fields that require innovative ideas and your work style may include process that involves experimenting with unique styles and techniques in your creative pursuits.

In the matters of love and romance, you will be attracted by those individuals who have an independent nature and share your progressive ideals. Your approach in love relationships will be unique where you will connect with a partner who understands and appreciates your need for personal space and individuality. You value friendship and intellectual connection in relationships, but you will prioritize your own needs for personal space over any commitment.

As a parent, you will encourage your children to explore their dreams and ambitions with their individual approach to express their choices freely. You will encourage them to explore unconventional interests and hobbies. Overall, you will be happy if you embrace unconventional means to explore your dreams and ambitions without compromising on your individuality and personal space.


Natal Moon Report

Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more

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Moon in Aquarius in 6th House

Moon in Aquarius here indicates your routine work, health, and rivals. You need an intellectual stimulation and sense of purpose. In your career, you are attracted to jobs that involve your innovative approach, innovative technology, or social causes. You have the initiative to work that will make a meaningful contribution to the community through your work.

Your physical wellbeing is related to your emotional stability, so it is important to maintain a healthy routine with regular exercise and healthy diet regime along with enough time to rest and relax.

In relationships you will have the tendency to stay aloof with your co-workers/colleagues by maintaining your distance and protecting your personal space, but this will not allow you to connect with them emotionally. But it is essential for you to connect with others when you want to work in a team and work for the collective gains for all, where you can contribute your unique ideas and perspectives for overall progress.

Moon in Aquarius in 7th House

Moon in Aquarius represents your relationships and professional partnership, and you are attracted to people that have a progressive, open mindset, and share common interests with you.

You are attracted to those relationships/partnerships that match your sense of equality and have mutual respect for each other’s independence, where your partner/associate is not only emotionally connected with you but is a good friend and supporter. On the other hand, you may go through the period of emotional detachment occasionally where you feel challenged in sharing your deep emotions with your loved ones.

In relationships it is important for you to connect with partners that share your passion for social causes. Your relationships will involve strong element of friendship and a mutual vision for better world, but it is essential for you to create balance to connect with your partner and maintain your individuality.

Moon in Aquarius in 8th House

Moon in Aquarius here indicates that you seek emotional connection with your partner intellectually to explore the deeper meaning of life. You may be attracted to those individuals that have an independent and rebellious streak to stand up against the odds due to their unconventional approach in life. You seek a deeper connection with your partner that goes beyond superficial interactions. You love to share you intimate feelings with your partner frankly but you have a strong need for your emotional independence in life, when you feel restricted or controlled by others.

On the other hand, Moon energy here is related making modifications by your innovative approach in relationships, shared resources, and deep connections. You have the intention of connecting with your partner on the profound level to experience emotional intimacy but the depth in your relationships can affected by your hesitation in sharing your love and affection with your partner openly.

You will have less emotional attachment with your materialistic possessions including your finances that will allow you to make rational decisions and visualize the monetary gains due to your unconventional investment strategy.

By making a balance between your need for emotional independence and intimacy, your partner requires you to make personal transformations in yourself to forge meaningful connections with others.

Moon in Aquarius in 9th House

Moon in Aquarius represents higher education, long distance travel, and spirituality where you have curious mindset with innovative ideas to broaden your understanding to cultivate a deeper meaning of your relationships and emotional well being.

You have a strong desire to work for humanitarian causes that makes positive impact on society, and this contributes towards your emotional contentment. In relationships, you value your partner’s mental stimulation and intellectual compatibility where intelligent conversations make way for emotional connectivity and intimacy with your partner with the gradual development of trust and connection with each other.

Overall, Moon in Aquarius here indicates that your emotional well-being is closely related with your intellectual pursuits, personal freedom and the desire to make a positive effect on the community.

Moon in Aquarius in 10th House

Moon in Aquarius here indicates your professional aspirations and reputation, and you are likely to get attracted to the careers that involve innovation, technology and humanitarian causes. Your innovative and unconventional ideas make you an asset for those working in the field of science, technology or social causes. You may excel as a visionary or leader with your unique perspective and the ability to see events on a broader horizon to lead and inspire others.

On the professional front, you may find it challenging to express your views freely in the professional setting due to restrictions and you value your personal independence, so this can lead to detachment from your colleagues/superiors, and this may affect your professional gains.

But this ability of detaching yourself from situations/relationships emotionally allows you to approach challenges with logical mindset making you an excellent problem solver and strong decision maker on the professional front. Your unique perspective and innovative ideas and ways of working can lead you to professional success.

Moon in Aquarius in 11th House

Moon in Aquarius here relates to your friends, connections through social network and your involvement in the social groups which indicates your strong connection with your friends and social circle.

In relationships, you love to connect with those people/partner/social circle that value your need of independence and personal space but also have a progressive and broad thinking. You like intellectual challenges from your partner/friends for the collective progress for all that may form a solid foundation for your emotional connectivity with all at a deeper level.

But it is important to find balance between your intellectual understanding and the need to share your affection and concern with your loved ones to foster deeper connections and embrace contentment in your relationships.

Moon in Aquarius in 12th House

Moon in Aquarius here is associated with your losses, subconscious mind, expenditure, and spirituality. This placement here blesses you with strong intuition and you must step back and observe yourself to make the required modifications that will bring you sense of emotional contentment and spiritual progress.

You like to embrace solitude for your personal transformation where you will have your own way of rejuvenating yourself according to your requirements. But be sure to share your thoughts and feelings with your loved ones as this will be beneficial for your emotional progress.

Working with healing techniques like meditation can create an inclination to explore your subconscious and finding ways to connect with others will bring you sense of emotional fulfilment and make positive impact on your emotional well being.


Natal Moon Report

Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more

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Rahu in Scorpio

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents worldly desire, materialistic possessions, illusions and rebellion and chaos whereas Scorpio is the sign that indicates depth, transformations and secrecy. When Rahu resides in Scorpio it tends to make you focused, determined and you possess a deep thirst for understanding life and its hidden meanings which leads to your interest in occult sciences, secrets and the truth about the unknown.

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Rahu in Sagittarius

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents desire, and ambition. It is associated with sudden and unexpected changes in any individual’s life, whereas Sagittarius sign is known for freedom and philosophical approach with optimistic outlook towards life. Rahu in Sagittarius indicates the connection of desire and wisdom, and you are a seeker who loves to explore the reality and truth about life.

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