Moon in Libra

(Moon Sign Based)

Moon in Libra are generally peace-loving people. They try to maintain a good relationship with all their friends and relatives from a safe distance. They like to remain away from controversies and are cooperative with others.

Moon in Libra

Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. It is a sign of balance and stability. It is a sign of artistic accomplishments and refinements. Moon in Libra loves to live with a group of interesting people. They are attached to quality over quantity. They can transform the situation in accordance with the demand.

Extremely accommodating, they mix with all people with intelligence and wisdom as well as simplicity and sagacity. They are always cool and calm by nature. They rarely lose their temper. They are inventors, thoughtful, spiritual, wise and disciplined.

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This placement shows a perfect balance of three Gunas – Satav, Rajas and Tamas and five elements – Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Space. They have introverted personalities and like to be in the company of their close friends because that is how they charge their exhausted battery.

They have their own strong and irrefutable arguments in favor of what they feel or say. Their intelligence brings out so many alternatives, real and unreal, that they constantly strive to select the best available option. Venus is the lord of Libra. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, money and comforts. They are charming and have a sense of justice. They have a very attractive look.

Effects of All Houses with Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra in 1st House

The moon in the first house in Libra represents the beautiful and attractive personality of an individual. You are charming by looks, emotionally relevant and give diplomatic answers to others. This shows a strong career impact on your personality. You may fall in love at a young age.

Moon in first house shows the individual is very emotional and moody. You actively participate in every work and involve heavily in your career. Your life partner and you may work together in business. You balance your profession and personal life. If Moon is weak in chart, then the individual may suffer from cold and cough issues with many tensions.

Moon in Libra in 2nd House

The Moon in the second house in Libra represents that the individual is lucky, rich and intelligent. You like to accumulate material things. You are an attractive and charming person. You have an attractive voice which attracts people through your singing. You have a talent for singing. You speak with others very politely and respectfully.

You may get profit from friend circle. You have a team or group of people in which you perform and showcase your talent. You are lucky regarding money matters. Your elder brother or sister helps and supports you with money. Your speech is perfect with a quality to sell your products by your soft voice to communicate with others.

Moon in Libra in 3rd House

Moon in the third house in Libra represents a brave and courageous personality of individual. You do not compromise with others. You remain away from quarrels and do not participate in such a situation where you find yourself trapped. You may spend your money on unnecessary things.

You are perfect at communication. Sometimes, you may suffer from embarrassment due to your talkative nature. You like to travel to foreign countries or coastal places. It is likely that you may face speed breakers in your self-efforts. Your younger sibling may be a sister who lives in a foreign country. In Moon Maha Dasha, your sister faces health issues. You can change job in this Dasha due to unsatisfaction.

Moon in Libra in 4th House

Moon in the fourth house in Libra the individual with fair skin tone, handsome look, and charming persona. You are emotional and very talkative by nature. You want to support in every work of life. You have all material comforts and monetary happiness because you may own property, vehicles and all luxurious items.

You have a good relationship with your mother and are emotionally attached to her. You cannot see your mother’s pain. You have a name, fame, goodwill and wealth in your career or professional life. Your mother impacts your personality. Your mood will change with the flow of the situation. With the support of emotions, you can achieve a very high position in life. You may want your mother’s attention all the time.

Moon in Libra in 5th House

Moon in the fifth house in Libra represents the emotional and sensitive nature of individual. You balance your emotions with your children. You give value to relationships. You are a very creative and balanced person with a good knowledge and capacity for learning.

You may be an expert in speaking Mantras and will accumulate money through teaching, speech, solution, spiritual etc. You will earn money from your own knowledge. Your children will have an emotional nature and may change their mood very quickly. Your children are lucky for you. Your education may be related to semi-technical venture or non-technical. You also take an interest in arts, music and dance.


Natal Moon Report

Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more

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Moon in Libra in 6th House

Moon in the sixth house in Libra represents the individual who is active but has a fickle mind. You may change jobs very quickly. You may not like to compromise; hence you change jobs or services often. You may face an argument with colleagues in the job.

You may face challenges with women. You are always excited about travelling. You prefer female friendships. If Moon is weak in the chart, you may face legal issues with siblings, or your sister may face litigation. You may face problems or obstacles in making efforts with a speed breaker to achieve something.

Moon in Libra in 7th House

Moon in the seventh house in Libra represents the attractive and good-looking personality of individual. After marriage, you will have all the comforts of life like land, property, house, vehicles, all luxuries and necessary items of life. You will feel happy and lucky after marriage as you will have a good-looking and charming spouse who will be very emotional.

Your mother will show love and care for your life partner. You may get success in partnerships, especially with women or you may get success in business with spouse or mother. Your spouse may have serious mood swings. It is likely that you will marry at an early age.

Moon in Libra in 8th House

Moon in the eighth house in Libra represents the individual is stubborn and pretentious by nature. You may be tense all the time and do not take any work seriously. You may have no peace in life. You are intelligent but moody in nature. You may suffer from health issues like a cold and cough in childhood. It is seen that, in education, speed breakers come or break education.

You may be good at research work but may change subjects often. You will earn money from your education. You will have a good knowledge of occult science. You will face a lot of obstacles in education or in accumulating money. You do not have easy success with struggles in life.

Moon in Libra in 9th House

Moon in the ninth house in Libra represents the individual is knowledgeable and creative. You have a strong imagination power and will be lucky to get all the comforts of life through struggles or self-efforts. You will be emotionally attached to your father. But your father will have different thoughts which is why disputes may occur.

Your father may suffer from health issues in the Maha Dasha of Moon. You may be religious by nature. You like to travel to foreign countries. In Dasha of Moon, you have many enemies or competitors. Your work place may be far away from your house or in your job, travelling is involved. You will get a job with the help of your father or Guru.

Moon in Libra in 10th House

Moon in the tenth house in Libra represents the individual is intelligent and brave. You may have a profession related to cloth, food, water, chemicals, soft drinks, hotel, restaurant etc. In your business or company, there is a big and important role for your life partner. Your partner will share your intelligence, thoughts and skills in business. Your spouse will be a partner in business.

You will achieve success in business but may change business in Moon Maha Dasha. You may not be stable in professional life. You have all material comforts and will fulfill all desires in your career. You will receive support from the state government. You may fall in love with your partner at work place. Your lover may be a colleague in the work place.

Moon in Libra in 11th House

Moon in the eleventh house in Libra represents the individual who is intelligent but with a dual personality. You have no permanent or fixed friends, and most friends are female. You gain profits through self-efforts. You may get sudden profits from occult science, research work, taxation, auditing, freelancing etc.

You may face conflicts with your elder brother or sister. Your elder brother or sister may face problems and obstacles in Moon Maha Dasha. You may face sudden losses in financial areas and suffer from sudden health problems. You will have an emotional relationship with the friend circle, and you get emotional satisfaction by involving yourself in groups, clubs and social circle.

Moon in Libra in 12th House

Moon in the twelfth house in Libra represents the emotional and secretive nature of the individual. You take interest in religious activities, cultural activities and spiritual activities. You have a strong intuition power to know the hidden secrets of occult science. You spend your money on charity for needy people and on religious and cultural activities.

You may travel to a foreign country for higher education and get success there. You are very active with a practical mind. You may like to live alone to balance your emotions. When you feel alone, you may go far away from your house to religious places.


Natal Moon Report

Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940


Rahu in Scorpio

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents worldly desire, materialistic possessions, illusions and rebellion and chaos whereas Scorpio is the sign that indicates depth, transformations and secrecy. When Rahu resides in Scorpio it tends to make you focused, determined and you possess a deep thirst for understanding life and its hidden meanings which leads to your interest in occult sciences, secrets and the truth about the unknown.

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Rahu in Sagittarius

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents desire, and ambition. It is associated with sudden and unexpected changes in any individual’s life, whereas Sagittarius sign is known for freedom and philosophical approach with optimistic outlook towards life. Rahu in Sagittarius indicates the connection of desire and wisdom, and you are a seeker who loves to explore the reality and truth about life.

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