How to Attract Your Partner with the Help of Moon Sign?

(Moon Sign Based)

A thorough understanding of a person’s Moon Sign can help you find ways to keep him/her interested in you. Read more to find out how you can attract your partner, with the help of their Moon Sign.

How to Attract Your Partner with the Help of Moon Sign?


Vedic astrology helps us to understand the placement of planets in our horoscope and its influence in shaping our lives. It reveals inclination towards love affairs, love marriages, couple compatibility, and attraction towards opposite gender.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.

Astrology and Romance:

  • Venus is known as the planet of Love and romance.
  • Venus governs all marital prospects and sexual pleasures in men.
  • For women, marital aspect and sexual nature is governed by Mars and Jupiter.
  • Sun’s position plays a vital role in a native’s chart.
  • If the Sun is placed in the relationship house, which is 7th house, then chances of separation might occur.
  • We see 7th house and 7th lord, both from Lagna and from Moon. 7th house also gives information about physical appearance, complexion, and nature of one’s companion.
  • 5th house indicates an affair which does not end up in a proper marriage.
  • In Vedic astrology, we give importance to the Moon horoscope as Moon is considered as Manas/Mind both in male and female chart.
  • If the Moon is strong in a male’s horoscope, it brings him a beautiful wife and vice-versa.
  • Saturn’s connection with any of these houses and planets will delay the process of marriage.

Major magnetism and attraction are given by Moon and Venus which give you the taste to enjoy your life. So, Moon sign is where moon is placed in a native’s horoscope and is very important for a blissful marriage. However, its affliction can lead to disharmony and separation.

Here, we will discuss certain Do’s and Don’ts that will keep your ‘Person of Interest’ interested in you!


If your partner is of Aries ascendant or Moon sign, then:

  • They will be conscious about their style statement and will pay a lot of attention to their sense of fashion.
  • Such people also expect their partners to have a knack for fashion and want them to dress impressively.
  • They are also known to have a huge hunger for sex and do not shy away from expressing the same.
  • If you get into the relationship, they will prefer to get into an intimate relationship at the earliest possible time.

Learn more about Aries Man by CLICKING HERE

Aries is a fire sign and hence do not demure from letting the world know if they are in a relationship with someone and are fond of public display of affection.

Once they are hit hard by the arrow of the Cupid, they will fall for you quicker than you could even realize!

Learn more about Aries Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Taurus ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • Taurus is said to have a good sense of fashion with a great style statement. They are known to be extremely emotional and sensitive.
  • They are attracted to a partner who would understand their emotional requirement. Also, once they get the partner of their choice, they stay loyal till end .
  • The love-smitten Taurus native has a very elite way of showing love and romance to their partner: fancy dining, exquisite drinks (including expensive alcohols), enthralling perfumes essential bathing oils, expensive and classy gifts; you name it, and they are into it.
  • Therefore, just in case you want to impress you Bae or Boo, do not forget to choose a gift from the above-mentioned list and there is no doubt that things may be thrown into ignition sooner than your expectations.

Learn more about Taurus Man by CLICKING HERE

Also, a point to remember is that Taurus is a bullhead; and hence would not appreciate you asking them to change any or few of their habits. If it comes from within, well, and good, if not then it is best to keep it unaddressed.

Learn more about Taurus Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Gemini ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • Gemini is highly exuberant, humorous, and very witty. Therefore, they feel attracted to people with the same set of qualities.
  • They love the intensity, so just in case you have fallen hard for a Gemini ascendant, make sure to do things on an intense level to make them feel attracted towards you.

Learn more about Gemini Man by CLICKING HERE

  • Ruled by the twins, Gemini natives areoften mistaken to be two-faced or double-timers but in reality, they are highly social and extremely friendly, without any reprehensible intentions for anyone.

Various high adrenaline rush activities are part of their hobbies. So, you if you share the same interest, it will not take time to make a Gemini fall for you!

Learn more about Gemini Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Cancer ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • Cancer individuals mostly belong to the royal category along with Leo and Libra. They do not speak much and are extremely emotional and sensitive.

Learn more about Cancer Man by CLICKING HERE

  • If you want to attract a Cancer native, then stay true to them about your feelings and tell them about it in a straight-forward manner.
  • Your honest behavior and truthfulness will attract them.
  • They keep their feelings and emotions hidden under their tough exterior look which is hard to penetrate.

You need to work on it with persistent and patience so that you win their trust so that they let their guard down for you to come closer. Also, they will forever stick by your side once they have full confidence in you.

Learn more about Cancer Woman by CLICKING HERE



If your partner is of Leo ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • Leo individuals envision themselves as the center of the universe. They may display arrogance and show off behavior to grab the attention of the people around them.
  • They love larger than life lifestyle and lead quite a royal life.

Learn more about Leo Man by CLICKING HERE

  • Elite lifestyle and grand or royal gestures (such as a big bouquet of roses, exotic chocolates, perfumes, etc.) are ways to get to their heart.
  • However, they are also sensitive inside. Just in case, you may hurt them in the relationship, they could face a total meltdown and take a lot of time to recover from it.

You are required to be patient with them so that they start to open up and show their vulnerable side and may also start making compromising on certain issues.

For that, you also need to work along as it is a two-way street where expectations should not always be made but also fulfilled.

Learn more about Leo Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Virgo ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • They are simple individuals. If you have true and honest feelings for a Virgo, then simply let them know about it and they will have a genuine attraction to you.
  • But just in case, you want to woo your information-absorbing little light of life, then you must know they are big-time movie-buffs, music aficionados, and avid readers.

Learn more about Virgo Man by CLICKING HERE

  • So, getting involved in either of these activities which will give you brownie points to come closer to them.

Virgos are an extreme perfectionist and can become critical and judgmental at times. It is important that you keep calm and let this pass. Such behavior is projected only when they get upset about certain event or thing which will phase out sooner or later.

Learn more about Virgo Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Libra ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • Libra native is extremely style conscious and has a great sense of fashion. They love nightlife and thus get attracted to people who share same interests and similar lifestyle.
  • Libra indiiduals are totally dedicated who would never want to disappoint their partner and therefore, they do their best to avoid any kind of dispute, conflict, or argument.

Learn more about Libra Man by CLICKING HERE

  • They may even speak a white lie to restore the peace and harmony in their relationship.
  • So, if you have fallen for a Libra then you need to be patient and try to avoid getting into any arguments in the initial phase.

Also, you must make them understand that a healthy argument helps a couple and a relationship to get stronger, healthier and better than before.

Learn more about Libra Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Scorpio ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • Scorpio individuals value true feelings and loyalty the most. So, if you have feelings for a Scorpio ascendant, then approaching them directly will impress them.
  • They are known to have high intensity, incomparable to any other moon sign.

Learn more about Scorpio Man by CLICKING HERE

  • Being a water sign, they feel everything on a deeper level, which means they are intense in matters of love, romance, emotions, spirituality, and sexuality.
  • Falling for a Scorpio means that you are tentative to fall under their charm soon after your first date.

Falling for a Scorpio moon sign comes as no surprise as their personality is magnetic and its quite easy to fall for them.

Therefore, go for their truthful nature and the same will be reciprocated to you!

Learn more about Scorpio Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Sagittarius ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • Usually, Sagittarius ascendants are people with few words and dislike show-off attitude. They are highly punctual people.
  • So, in case you are trying to impress a Sagittarius ascendant, make sure you reach on time and do not try to impress them by showing off your achievements or personality.

Learn more about Sagittarius Man by CLICKING HERE

  • Be as normal as you can and let this magic do its work.

Sagittarius love adventure, storytelling, and exploring new things all the time. So, if you want to impress a Sagittarius, try involving them in either of these activities (or all of it depending upon your level of interest in the same) and you
will be able to attract them.

Learn more about Sagittarius Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Capricorn ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • A good sense of fashion attracts Capricorn natives. They are known as the great admirer of beauty.

Learn more about Capricorn Man by CLICKING HERE

  • They also do not believe in goofing around in superfluous relationships.
  • This means if you approach Capricorn natives and get a positive response, it means they are serious about you and really like you!

Learn more about Capricorn Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Aquarius ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • They are known as the humanitarian moon sign as they are highly concerned about the welfare and goodwill of people in general.

Learn more about Aquarius Man by CLICKING HERE

  • They do not speak much but are known to be an extremely romantic person.

They are a lover of night life and enjoy it completely. They are out-of-the-box thinkers .So just in case you are in love with an Aquarius, then make sure you choose an unconventional plan for a date.

Learn more about Aquarius Woman by CLICKING HERE


If your partner is of Pisces ascendant or Moon sign, then

  • If Venus has a direct aspect on the first house (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), then the Pisces ascendant is said to be extremely romantic.
  • They look for a partner with a good bank balance and get attracted to those who believe in showing off their possessions and assets.

Learn more about Pisces Man by CLICKING HERE

  • However, they are very empathetic and caring and want similar values from their partner.

Creativity and artistic vibes attract the Pisces natives the most. So, be your intellectual self, vibing off positive energy to attract your Pisces admirer.

Learn more about Pisces Woman by CLICKING HERE

Everyone has their own set of likes and dislikes and getting to know how to make it easy to approach your person with a fail-proof plan is the way to go. TMoon signs help a lot in knowing a person in this way. So go ahead and get your guy or girl!


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