(Moon Sign Based)
Pushya constellation belongs not just to a zodiac sign but is also one of the integral elements which, if present in a zodiac, can dominate & influence all other planetary placements. It stands for nourishment & is the birth star of goddess Sita. This particular nakshatra requires careful analysis, given its importance in Vedic Astrology.
‘Pushya’ or ‘Pashyami’ is a constellation within the zodiac realm of Cancer which is potent enough to influence one’s life if positioned in certain houses of the chart. It spans from 3:2 degrees to 16:40 degrees in Cancer. In the favorable houses, it brings favorable results and in inimical houses, it feels suffocated and brings adverse results. Significant planetary placements also matter.
Pushya is known as the nourisher and it’s basis lies in health and preservation. This is to say that Pushya aims to nourish with what is healthy and favorable. We can take this not just in the connotation of relationships but intellect as well. With Pushya being a constellation which aims to nourish under the lordship of Jupiter, which resembles wisdom and vastness, it implies that a Pushya nakshatra person seeks to nourish their mind and expand their mental horizons.
Vedic Astrology prescribes predictions based on Moon Sign for more accuracy. Do not know your Moon Sign? Find out instantly for FREE by filling the form below!
Goddess Sita was born in this Nakshatra. She did not question even during her trial by fire, until a point where she couldn’t take it anymore and embraced finality through salvation. Being a Cancerian, they will selflessly give and nourish, but they also are extremely emotional and can only take so much, when their purpose in your life is served; they believe in parting with something beautiful to remember. If, however, someone is lucky enough to understand them and treat them with understanding and love and see this quality in them, they generally have the most beautiful family life one can imagine.
Pushya creates one of the 5 Pancha Mahabhutas or ‘the five major elements’. These include Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space. The formation of the element of Space amongst these five happens in Pushya Nakshatra.
Pushya Nakshatra people are forever students of life who will look out for teachers, books, places and people who add to the growth and wisdom within them. They also have notions about things which are born out of their own self-work and mental capabilities.
They seek answers within as well as without, constantly in a mode of expansion. This is the basic nature of Pushya which doesn’t come by age but by birth. A super-curious child pausing to understand how things work, move and process to make sense of it by themselves and then coming up with questions and getting curious and excited about them, or uncomfortable on not finding answers can possibly be a Pushya.
They have a mark of uncanny understanding of empathy from a young age, they will know what can hurt an adult, what can bring you down and what generally lifts a person up and by nature do things in accordance with it, this is a Pushya trait.
Graha Devta is the one who gives the ability to understand the nature of the planet so that we can work based on that planet in our chart. Based on Vedic Astrology, the Graha Devta or Ruling Planet for the Pushya Nakshatra is Saturn which imparts the quality of patience, commitment and practicality in the people of this Nakshatra. They are spiritual, disciplined and remain dedicated towards their goals.
The Adhi Devta gives mental clarity about the ruling planet and through them, we can come in contact with the divine energy source of the planet. The Adhi Devta of Pushya Nakshatra is Brihaspati, which blesses them with a strong sense of morality, ethics, good relationships, happiness from children and knowledge. Pushya born people are philanthropic and interested in supporting humanitarian causes.
Gender of any Nakshatra is used in Vedic astrology for matchmaking but if we deeply analyze this, we come to know a rather fascinating fact that the gender signifies our mental inclination towards material things and how we manipulate life’s challenges for our survival. The gender of Pushya Nakshatra is male which signifies that they will be courageous, persevering and capable of giving protection.
Dosha represents which type of disease will affect a person from a specific nakshatra. Pushya Nakshatra people shall be dominated by Pitta. Pitta represents the metabolism in the body and has the characteristic of transformation of food and water into energy through digestion. If the Moon of Pushya Nakshatra is strong in the personal birth chart, they will have a healthy body and mind and good mental growth but if afflicted, then they will suffer from thyroid or digestion-related disorders.
Pushya belongs to sheep yoni. Their natural instinct is to be fun-loving, romantic, flirtatious and fond of sex. In the general perception, they are artistic, likes to pursue causes whole-heartedly, and can achieve anything they put their mind to if they do not lose their focus.
Broad Instinct of Constellation In Indian philosophy, there are three Gunas, known as - Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. These are known as the three processes that build a successful life. The guna of Pushya Nakshatra is Tamas which could make them native short-tempered, irreligious and having inferiority complex which could result in low self-esteem.
There are three Gana or basic instinct type that a person belongs to which frame our outlook, reactions and attitude towards life. These are Dev Gana, Manushya Gana and Rakshasa Gana.
Pushya belongs to Dev Gana, which is characterized by being diplomatic, socially sophisticated, and tactful. People belonging to Dev Gana are good in dealing with people in a suave manner and can sometimes be shrewd but only to deal with the situation at hand amicably. They are also into educational pursuits and self-development more than others.
Pushya nakshatra has the Water element, which signifies that the people born in this Nakshatra shall have a good memory and retention and good learning abilities. Water element also signifies that the people of this Nakshatra are empathetic and compassionate but could also be prone to mood swings.
The first letter of the name also produces a vibration, which is connected with the individual, as per the Vedas. It is advisable to choose a name with the letter that creates harmony between the human and the Universe, so that they get every happiness and success, promised in their birth chart.
Depending upon characteristics of each constellation (nakshatra), find out the best match for Pushya and their compatibility with each constellation.
Ashwini fall in love with Pushya gradually. Ashwini feels Pushya is boring due to their workaholic nature and being too constrained. However, when Ashvini gets closer, the Cancerian comes out of its shell to reveal to you what it doesn’t easily to anyone else. Its passionate nature. Pushya does not judge you for your impulsiveness rather understands it quietly and supports you in your trials in a steady manner. Pushya have a satirical sense of humor which may surprise you, given they look so chaste by appearance. But when Pushya in their fun mode, they can roast someone with class! Sexually, an awesome match and one which is couple by equal proportions of love- someone who can be a partner till death does you apart!
Total matching points(Guna) between you both 31/36 which is a great 86%.
The love between a Pushya and a Bharani is slow and enduring. This is not an instant connection. Pushya is a Cancerian which is slightly introverted and takes time in love. Bharani is fast and impulsive. However, Bharani is allured by their sense of humor which is sometimes satirical and their steadiness. Pushya is caring and forms a good bond with Bharani.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 23/36, which is 63%.
Pushya is Krittika’s best sexual partner in terms of making them feel secure and loved while helping them out of their sexual diffidence. A relationship with Pushya can be delightful for Krittika since they know how to make Krittika feel comfortable in their sexuality and explore everything they have at any point thought of. Nothing is too sleazy; nothing is too boring.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 25/36, which is 69%.
While Rohini is a seductress, don’t just think love is all about seduction. Love is support, love is trust, love is faith, love is respect and love is understanding. The whole definition of ‘love is kind, love does not boast’ as mentioned in the Holy Bible is how a Pushya will love a Rohini. Pushya’s quiet resilience is not to be underestimated; Pushya will fill in the practical details within Rohini’s romanticism wherever required while ensuring that Rohini explores themselves the way they want to and with zero dominance. Not many are capable of loving a Rohini the way a Pushya can. We suggest Rohini to not make quick judgments and look deeper.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 27/36, which is 75%.
Pushya brings out the mirror for Mrigashira and they don’t really like it. Pushya will give you the truth as it is without sugarcoating but will try to be assertive yet soft. This may make Mrigashira feel critical of themselves, despite being so intelligent and satisfied within themselves. Why start a turmoil if you can’t handle it, right? Well, it brings growth, but not everyone can take it at all times, and we understand.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 17/36, which is an 47%.
Ardra is a very eccentric and slightly on the crazier side of life. They like to do things in extreme. Extremity is often a part of their normal life while Pushya doesn’t understand why every mole needs to become a mountain. Ardra experiences intense passions, intense love, intense jealousies and intense stress, while Pushya handles the same things differently. If Pushya keeps taking things lightly and not behave with the same intensity in showing passions, Ardra might go elsewhere. Pushya can work hard or Pushya both can choose someone who match their maturity and emotional wavelength. Pushya, however, supports Ardra in a way no one can and doesn’t get unnerved in situations as easily as Ardra does.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 17/36, which is an 47%.
Pushya and Punarvasu is what dreams are made of! At least, in terms of love, trust, friendship, loyalty and respect. This is the couple nakshatras of Sree Ram and goddess Sita as well. Sita is known for her loyalty towards Ram and vice-versa. Punarvasu bathes Pushya in the warmth of love while Pushya feels their best and most authentic selves with Punarvasu. Punarvasu finds this cool, amusing and Pushya’s sense of humor- classic. Punarvasu feels secure with Pushya as even if it goes away for the while, they know Pushya will be there for them loyal in love.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 35/36, which is an 97%.
Too much similarity might make this union seem boring to those watching, but only they both know how well it works in reality. Pushya is a private sign and doesn’t show off their affections easily. The fact is that the Pushya and Pushya duo have a strong emotional commitment, trust, humor and sense of ’togetherness’ at the core which is hard for anyone to fathom. They love each other, openly share their views and hear the other one out as well. This relationship gets brownie points also because they belong to the same yoni and therefore similar romantic views and sexual behavior.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 35/36, which is an 97%.
Ashlesha finds Pushya boring. They don’t think Pushya is someone worth a long haul, so they speak to Pushya the way they wish to be spoken to, only to leave them soon. It is only after knowing Pushya’s secret, loving self which is extraordinarily loyal and understanding to Ashlesha which makes them fall in love emotionally with Pushya. This is also due to the underlying reason that Ashlesha’s are destined to never be understood by their partners and due to their nature, its hard to find or understand love in real forms, but with Pushya, an unconventional and emotionally deep bond forms for life.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 30/36, which is an 83%.
Pushya and Magha are poles apart about their take on relationship and commitment. One is loyal, other is sexually frivolous. Pushya doesn’t trust Magha with anything, not their time, not their heart, not responsibilities, nor their reality.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 15/36, which is an 40%.
The social animal, Purva Phalguni brings you out over parties and gatherings. But what Pushya sees of Purva Phalguni publicly and what they really are too different to digest. Pushya finds them frivolous and superficial. Pushya, on the other hand are comfortable in their skin and do not pretend. Makes it hard for you both.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 14/36, which is an 38%.
Unhealthy power dynamics is at play when Pushya and Uttara Phalguni get together. It’s a Sun & Saturn relationship in which the dominance aspect always stays sometimes making things toxic. A person with Sun is Pushya will deal better with Uttara Phalguni than one with Moon in Pushya.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 18/36, which is an45%.
Pushya adores the fact that Hasta can feel so deeply and its sensitivity which it hides from all. Pushya deals with it with sweetness and adoration. Hasta looks sophisticated but is actually an earthy and sensuous lover. Pushya loves this hidden side of Hasta and shares a strong bond with them. Pushya deeply loves them, and it gets fully reciprocated.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 27/36, which is a 75%.
Chitra doesn’t seem realistic to Pushya. They are impulsive and not stable in their feelings or thoughts. They get influenced soon, which makes Pushya want to show them the reality. The Chitra doesn’t like it and instead moves away the more realistic things get. Chitra’s immaturity can hurt you.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 12/36, which is a 33%.
Pushya and Swati both have shared longing to become better and understand life which makes them come closer. Pushya makes a sincere effort to get to know Swati better. They both understand and respect each other’s ways of thinking and can be encouraging which makes them both want to reveal their inner selves to the other.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 24/36, which is a 66%.
Pushya is a passionate sign with true and vulnerable emotions. Vishakha is an overtly-sensuous sign. Pushya gets insecure that Vishakha may exploit their sensual vulnerability only to treat them as everyone else or a ‘one-night stand’. Pushya should ease out a bit and let Vishakha deal with their emotions and sensuality. It is the game of ‘do you trust me’, perhaps Vishakha will help you out of your shell.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 20/36, which is a 55%.
Pushya needs to understand that Anuradha feels romance in their spirit. While romancing around the whole day seems irrational to Pushya, they would be detached from their spirit if they don’t follow that road. Anuradha feels romance differently and will be the way they are so Pushya should learn to accept it. Pushya likes Anuradha and can love Anuradha as well; they only think Anuradha can be someone who lives in illusions throughout. While this can be true, it can be worked if Pushya choose to remain the rational one without making it obvious.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 19/36, which is a 52%.
Pushya sees spirituality in ascetism alone. Jyestha thinks spirituality is a matter of the soul and the ‘spirit’ of who you are which can be nourished through experience. What others may call as ‘fun’ is a way of life, truth and knowledge for Jyestha which might as well contribute to their idea of spirituality to a huge extent. They can make a Pushya feel free, more alive and not be guilty about ‘living a little’. Life through the lens of Jyestha is intense yet wholesome and Pushya gets a slice of it when they decide to open up and trust Jyestha.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 12/36, which is a 58%.
Difference in thoughts, opinions and ways of life. Pushya might realize that what intrigues them to Mula, is actually superficial facade. Mula does not do it with a sound intent behind it. This may make Pushya’s interests falter and the relationship isn’t what it should be.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 17/36, which is a 58%.
Pushya and Purva Ashada don’t understand each other. Ideally, Pushya being expansive in thoughts should be able to accommodate Purva Ashada, But unfortunately, they don’t. Purva Ashada is like the monkey which jumps from one branch to another and goes all over the place. It works for them, but that doesn’t work for Pushya. Pushya’s style of life is expanding in all horizons uniformly which is atypical to Purva Ashada’s. Their field of thoughts are different and mismatched.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 11/36, which is a 58%.
Pushya sees through façade and limelight to uncover what’s hidden. It is a Pushya quality. Uttara Ashada seems to be living out life being social (by choice) but Pushya sees behind the mask. Pushya senses the loneliness of Uttara Ashada and wants to love them and make them feel taken care of emotionally and in every way.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 22/36, which is a 58%.
If birth charts don’t match, a ‘yoni dosha’ or sexual incompatibility might be prominent with Shravana and Pushya. However, on other levels, they can compensate the same endearingly. They share a spiritual love with each other. If these two constellations fall in their Moon sign, a ‘yoni dosh’ remedy is prescribed.
( A yoni dosh is when a couple has inimical yoni compatibility or below average which is 0 or 1. A compatible or perfect match is when both belong to same yoni or friendly yoni such as same animal category).
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 22/36, which is a 58%.
Pushya belongs to ‘sheep yoni’ and Dhanishta belongs to ‘lion yoni’. This is completely an incompatible union from Moon sign and yoni aspect. Pushya doesn’t like the dominance and borderline narcissism of Dhanista and doesn’t feel comfortable in their presence either.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 10/36, which is a 28%.
Pushya is vulnerable and emotionally deep and Shatabhisha is emotionally unavailable or pretending and worse, secretive. There’s no way this relationship can work unless Pushya is okay with an emotional void which never gets filled and stoic behavior.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 4/36, which is a 11%.
A workable relationship transpires between Pushya and Purva Bhadrapada. Pushya needs to act more assertively, or they’ll be taken for granted as this part of Pisces doesn’t stand for vulnerability.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 22/36, which is a 56%.
A relationship can ‘work’ somehow without participation, but it doesn’t thrive unless you spend quality time together. There’s only so much one can do without it. Take time out to party or go out and about since, the love between you both is serious, or you’ll drift apart with an aching heart.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 18/36, which is a 50%.
Emotional vulnerability can turn into ‘emotionally strong’ real quick with this duo. They both are sensitive, sensually on the same plane, are expressive and free with each other. They are always on the ‘same page’ about most things and take their relationship seriously. Their love feels special to both.
Total matching points(guna), between you both is a 28/36, which is a 72%
Translation | "to nourish and nurture” |
Symbol | Cow’s udders |
Animal Symbol | Goat |
Presiding Deity | Brihaspati, priest of Gods |
Controlling/Ruling Planet | Saturn |
Ruling Deity of Saturn | Hanuman |
The 4 Quarters of Pushya Nakshatra | |
1st quarter | Ruled by Sun |
2nd quarter | Ruled by Mercury |
3rd quarter | Ruled by Venus |
4th quarter | Ruled by Mars |
Nature | Deva (God-like) |
Mode | Passive |
Number | 8 |
Gender | Male |
Dosha | Pitta |
Guna | Tamasic |
Element | Water |
Disposition | Light and swift |
Bird | Crow |
Common Name of the Tree | Peepal |
Botanical Name of the Tree | Fig Ficus religiosa |
Seed Sounds | Hu, He, Ho, Da. |
A Nakshatra (Constellation) based reading is more elaborate & precise than a reading that is based on the 12 Zodiac signs alone. In Vedic Astrology, Nakshatra is a great differentiator for people born under the same Moon sign, Ascendant or planetary position; & also a boon for interpreting the horoscope of identical twins & events that happen in quick succession. more
(Moon Sign Based)
Uttara Phalguni belongs to Leo as well as Virgo zodiac signs. Within the range of Leo, its abilities of being creative maximize, while in the Virgo range, its abilities for logic, understanding and calculation including Mercurial qualities shine through.
Read More(Moon Sign Based)
Hasta is from the Virgo constellation & exalts in the sign of Mercury. It is co-ruled by Sun as well as the Moon. It represents the best of both worlds & the ability to manifest and beautify things through the hands. It is also the nakshatra which fought Yama for love & marriage.
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