Vedic Astrology by Indastro

Vedic Astrology is a 5000 - 7000 years old horoscope system & Indastro follows Vedic Astrology principles uncompromisingly as per the original Vedas. Indastro readings are Nakshatra & Moon sign based : customized with no software or AI predictions. The Moon Sign system uses date, place & time for greater precision Do you know your Vedic Moon Sign

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Vedic Astrology based ancient tools for your first reading with Indastro that would cover
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"Amazing response time and also a great answer to my question. I always enjoy using the 24-hour one question to back my confidence up and trust my intuition along with The Vedic astrological advising." Cheryl - New York, USA

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Esteemed Vedic Astrologers at Indastro

Most Reliable & competent team in the country
Pt. Punarvasu Over 30 years
Alka Vijh Over 31 years
Pankaj Over 16 years
Ajai Bhambi Over 42 years

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This is based on Moon Sign, as per Vedic Astrology. If you don’t know your Moon Sign,
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An interesting Vedic tale about Vedic Astrology

Once upon a time, there was a learned Vedic Astrologer, well versed in reading the cosmic placements and interpreting their meanings. Celebrated and illustrious, his name and fame rose throughout the land and soon caught the attention of a mighty and curious Muslim king. Having heard the stories of his accurate predictions, the king ordered his presence in the royal court.

Dubious and skeptical, the king asked, "Do you think you know more than God?"

"No, Your Majesty. I do not know more than God and may never will. I just study the stars", replied the humble and humane Astrologer. "What do your stars have to say for today, do you have any idea what is going to happen to you?" asked the king.

"Yes, Your Majesty", said the Astrologer with a sense of certainty in his tone.

Annoyed with his conviction, the king laughed a mocking laugh and ordered his men to blindfold him, and make him fall from the top of his palace to bite the dust and die. The Astrologer did not resist nor said a single word in defense. He did indeed bite the dust as he fell on the haystack and gently kissed the ground, safe and sound!

It was all in the cards for that is what the diary he left in the court said, "You may fall today but would survive". The king was speechless and surprised, all at the same time. The Astrologer had let the fate take its course, but he had the faith that he will live to tell the tale!

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